Going or Staying Away from Alcohol: Which is Best?


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According to Chapter 7 of the Big Book, it is not necessarily best for all alcoholics to stay away from alcohol at all times. If they do this, they are setting themselves up for the impossible. Whenever they do encounter alcohol, they may be that much more tempted to drink again. With this being said, there are some things to consider as an alcoholic, before putting yourself into a situation where you might drink.

Is there a need for it?

Is there a need for you to go to a place that serves alcohol? Do you have a personal, business, or social reason for going to these places? The other question to ask yourself is this – are you going for some pleasure in getting something from that atmosphere? If you are only going for the pleasure in doing so, you are much more likely to relapse. However, if you are going for a personal, business, or social reason, make sure you step into these places with care. Don’t stay longer than you have to and don’t let yourself pick up a drink.

Are you on a solid spiritual ground?

Chapter 7 of the Big Book, also states that recovering alcoholics or drug addicts must make sure they are on a solid spiritual ground before they enter into a place that serves alcohol. Whether they have been to alcohol rehab or drug rehab before or not, they must be on a solid spiritual ground or they are likely to relapse. Think about your spiritual state. Where are you at with your sobriety and spirituality? If you believe you are on a solid spiritual ground and there is a business, personal, or social reason for going to a place that serves alcohol, then it might be alright to go. If you aren’t on a solid spiritual ground, be sure you avoid alcoholic destinations until you are.

Now that you have a better grasp on whether you should go or stay away from places that serve alcohol, you can make your own life choices. If you have gone to an alcohol rehabilitation center or drug rehabilitation center, you may be on a better spiritual ground. Be sure you stick in that direction and keep that path in your mind as you continue your sobriety.

If you have relapsed, be sure you seek out more help from alcohol treatment centers or drug treatments centers by calling 888-992-7955.

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Picture of Esra Ahmed - MS, NCC, LPC, MHSP
Esra Ahmed - MS, NCC, LPC, MHSP

Experienced Clinical Director with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Skilled in Anger Management, Healthcare, Medicine, EMDR, and Life Transitions. Strong healthcare services professional with a Masters Degree focused in Psychology from The University of Memphis.

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