When you read the N.A. Book, you will come to understand that an addict is “People whose use of any mind-altering, mood changing substance causes a problem in any area of life. Addiction is a disease that involves more than the use of drugs. Some of us believe our disease was present long before we used.” If you have developed this disease, whether it was to alcohol or drugs, you can get into one of the best detox programs to start getting the help you need.
Using Mind-Altering, Mood Changing Substances
Alcohol, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs are all mind-altering, mood changing substances. Some of them may cause you to become more alert, while others cause you to become more depressed. No matter how these substances make you feel, if you are using them and start abusing them, this is a problem. You may have developed an addiction to drugs or alcohol. If you are an addict, you should reach out for help as soon as you possibly can. There are detox programs and treatment centers that can help you today.
Addiction is a Disease
Addiction is a disease. This should be repeated over and over again until everyone understands it. People don’t choose to be an addict. They don’t choose to let drugs or alcohol destroy their life. Is it a choice to get into recovery and start an addiction rehab program? Yes, it is and it is often a tough one to make. This is because getting treatment for any disease can be difficult. You may be scared, worried, upset, fearful of change, and have a range of other emotions as well. The most important thing to remember is that when you receive treatment to overcome your addiction the professionals will understand what you are going through. They will be there to help you through it all
Present Before Using
Many people do believe that an addiction is present before using the drug. Why is this? Mostly because they believe in the genetics of an addiction or in the family history of it. While this is still up for debate by many people, the important thing to know is that whether your addiction was present before you started drinking or using drugs, you can still overcome it. You can still choose to take back the power over your life. Just as with any other disease, you can choose to do everything in your power to beat the disease.
Do you have an addiction to alcohol or drugs? Be sure you take the necessary action steps to overcome that addiction. You don’t have to keep living in the cycle of destruction. You don’t have to keep living the way an addict does. From this point forward, you can start your journey into recovery. You can start your path into better living. Make the call to 888-992-7955 today. Choose to change your mind from that of an addict to that of a recovering addict. You will feel a major difference. Our alcohol and drug rehab professionals look forward to hearing from you.