5 Common Mistakes To Avoid In Recovery


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Recovery from addiction is challenging. You have to suddenly deal with all those emotions and life problems that you would have numbed with drugs or alcohol. You have to learn new skills, make new friends, and make lifestyle changes over a short period. A successful recovery is one in which you feel happy and contented without the use of drugs and alcohol. However, recovery can be a real test of your determination and self-control, especially early on.

Following are some common mistakes to avoid in recovery:

  1. Overcommitting Your mental and physical health will improve in bounds and leaps. You may feel a lot better and think that you can deal with everything. However, it can be a big mistake as early recovery is like adjustment time. Forming new habits and adjusting to a new lifestyle will take time. Overcommitting can lead to feeling under pressure and leave you with a desire to escape the recovery. Therefore, you must take things slow and commit to the process.
  2. Meeting the same people- In your early days of recovery, you must avoid hanging out with your old friends as they are unlikely to change their lifestyle because of your newly found sobriety. Remember that being around drugs/alcohol can trigger cravings and make you feel very vulnerable. You may feel tempted to join in and start taking drugs and drink with them.
  3. Thinking you can do it alone- You may start thinking that you do not need help from others to deal with your addiction as asking for help is a sign of weakness. However, this is not true. You must build new relationships and network with people who are also in recovery. You must also seek help from professionals and clinicians. Before you prepare for recovery, talk to people who have gone through this process.
  4. Feeling ashamed to be struggling- Admitting you have a problem is probably the most challenging step; however, it is also hard to ask for help. Remember that false pride and self-reliance can lead to relapse and unnecessary suffering. It is okay not to know how to deal with the problems that come along your way. It is normal to have days where you are not feeling great. Do not feel ashamed if your recovery is going through a challenging phase and you are facing struggles. You must reach out to others and ask for help. If you do not speak to others about your problems, they will remain clueless, and you will be staying alone and isolated.
  5. Expecting others to forgive and trust- You may feel guilty about your past actions. While it is essential to accept them, reliving the past will bring back those painful memories and make you miserable. You must give others enough time to trust you. Your friends and family would be more interested in seeing you change rather than you apologizing. You cannot expect your loved ones to forgive and trust you instantly as they have also suffered a lot with you. Be patient; over time, they will trust you, and the bad memories of the past will gradually fade away.

About Magnolia Ranch Recovery

Avoiding the mistakes mentioned above in your recovery will help you attain your goals faster. If you are looking for a recovery and addiction treatment and recovery center, visit Magnolia Ranch Recovery. We offer treatment programs that focus on individualized clinical attention. We are known for providing an intimate setting for recovery. Contact us at 888-992-7955, connect through email at info@magnoliaranchrecovery.com, or fill the contact form for more information about us.

Choose a Sober Life with Magnolia Ranch Recovery

Available 24/7, we're committed to guiding you towards a life free from the shackles of drugs and alcohol. Connect with our recovery experts to discover our holistic treatment pathways.

Picture of Esra Ahmed - MS, NCC, LPC, MHSP
Esra Ahmed - MS, NCC, LPC, MHSP

Experienced Clinical Director with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Skilled in Anger Management, Healthcare, Medicine, EMDR, and Life Transitions. Strong healthcare services professional with a Masters Degree focused in Psychology from The University of Memphis.

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