Righting Your Wrongs


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In Chapter 6 of the Big Book, it says that “We should be sensible, tactful, considerate and humble without being servile or scraping.” What does this mean? During your recovery from an addiction, you must right your wrongs. This is part of the amends process. If you don’t take part in this process, you will likely have issues with your relapse prevention. You may have more cravings if you don’t right your wrongs. So, with that being said, after your stay in an alcohol or drug rehab program, how can you right your wrongs according to these standards?

Be Sensible

Being sensible means to benefit something according to your wisdom. When you are in recovery from an addiction and making amends, this can be put straightforward. You will use your wisdom to decide how and when you will make amends. You want to do so to benefit not only yourself, but the other person. If it is going to harm yourself or the other person to make the amend, it may be best to wait or make the amend in another fashion.

Be Tactful and Considerate

When you are tactful, you are being considerate of the other person. For instance, if one of your amends is to apologize to your ex-wife for wronging her during your marriage, yet she is remarried, it might not be best to interfere in her marriage. You may be able to find another person whom you can express your wrong-doings to. By doing that, you are still admitting to your wrong without harming the other person. Your consideration will make a difference in your recovery. Whether you are just getting out of the alcohol or drug rehabilitation center or been out for years, being tactful is going to help you.

Be Humble

Being humble means you are showing modesty. Just because you are in recovery from an addiction, that doesn’t put you above everyone else. You can be proud of your recovery without acting as if you are better than another person. Everyone in this world makes mistakes and it is up to you to fix or apologize for your own mistakes. Judging others won’t get you very far. In fact, it may take you back and cause you to relapse. If you want a better recovering lifestyle, being humble is one way that can happen.

During you recovery from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, making amends is a process. No matter who you are, this process takes time. However, if during the course of making amends – you can be sensible, tactful, considerate, and humble – your recovery can go a lot smoother. You can make progress a bit quicker and have a more enjoyable time in your recovery as well.

Still haven’t begun your recovery from an addiction? That is alright. You can contact alcohol or drug treatment centers today at 888-992-7955. You can start to right your wrongs today.


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Picture of Esra Ahmed - MS, NCC, LPC, MHSP
Esra Ahmed - MS, NCC, LPC, MHSP

Experienced Clinical Director with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Skilled in Anger Management, Healthcare, Medicine, EMDR, and Life Transitions. Strong healthcare services professional with a Masters Degree focused in Psychology from The University of Memphis.

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