At Magnolia Ranch, we offer Memphis Family Recovery Programs for the members of each resident’s family to participate in so that everyone can recover. In many circumstances, the entire way a family unit functions will need to be addressed and altered. For the family to become whole, integrated treatment models are employed as the family must be wholly treated.
Often referred to as a “family disease”, addiction can undoubtedly tear even the strongest families apart in a matter of months. It is not uncommon for the family of an addict or alcoholic to feel at a loss once the loved one has left for treatment and begun their journey into recovery. Additionally, feelings of hostility and ill-will are likely to develop while your loved one is in active addiction, for it often seems that drugs and alcohol take top priority over even those that have shown nothing but unconditional love for so long.Family members play a vital role in all aspects of Memphis Family Recovery Programs at Magnolia Ranch.
For our clients who are undergoing residential treatment, we strongly encourage a family therapy session once a week either at our clinical offices or via phone or video conference with the resident and licensed therapist present. The resident will be actively involved and issues such as boundaries, enabling, co-dependency, and potential familial trauma will be addressed.We believe that the mending of the family unit is such a crucial component of overall recovery, therefore, incorporate family therapy into the vast majority of our individualized programs.
For our residents who are undergoing inpatient treatment, we strongly encourage a family therapy session once a week. If the family of the resident is nearby, they are urged to come to our office once a week for an hour-long session with one of our licensed therapists.
Otherwise, phone or video conferences will be held, with the resident and therapist present. The resident will be actively involved and issues such as boundaries, enabling, co-dependency, and potential familial trauma will be addressed.